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By fionah

Balloons and Buses

We were proper tourists for the day, went to the capital city Valletta. Got an old Malta Bus in for only 0.54Euro, for a total of 20km. Wouldn't get that in the UK. Although the driving is mental, I felt like I had put my life in the hands of the mental man driving the thing. The old buses are getting nationalised, which is a shame really, there'll be less character to the place! And it won't be so cheap!

Valletta is lovely, so we saw lots of things. Mostly touristy, like the cathedral and the harbour, and the gardens. There was a beautiful bride getting her picture taken in the gardens, along with plenty other possible blips, but this one won out as a colourful choice. I don't know what the balloons were for, but they followed us up the street for a while. Cheerful sign.


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