Ben's "Twin"
This is Kalice, a little girl who joins Ben at the variety of baby classes that their mums take them to. She came around to our house this morning for a photoshoot with my husband. We had hoped to go to the park, but I'm afraid another day of rain put paid to that, and pictures were taken in our front room, which is really bright.
Another event taking place today was Cameron's first day away on a Beaver trip. There is a scout hut near Fortingall where a big meet and picnic was taking place. Luckily, he recovered from his sickness bug and was high as a kite with excitement when I went down to pick him up and take him to the meeting point this morning. I felt a bit sorry for the lady that was driving him and 2 others equally excited 6 year olds to the place about 90 minutes away!! She did say that they were a bit quieter on the return journey. Anyway, loads of events carried out. Pretty wet arriving home and tired too - but a great day.
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