In Between Days

By jase


No caravan in the picture but it is pretty much what the day has been dominated by. We have decided to try something new and that something is a touring caravan, something I never thought i'd be doing. So yes, I will one day be another annoying person clogging up the roads on a bank holiday weekend. I say one day as we do not at the moment have a car which can tow a caravan. Today we agreed to buy a caravan off a lovely couple in Rochdale. The wrong order maybe, but we intend to initially keep it on a site and try the touring bit later. All very exciting!

Other than agreeing to buy the caravan we spent the day first by looking at some other caravans, which confirmed that what we were buying was unbelievably well looked after and cared for. The rest of the day was spent looking at campsites which can store it. We've found one we really like between Pickering and Scarborough but they don't have room for us yet so we may have to go somewhere nearby until they do. The area will be great for the Moors, Dalby Forest and the coast around Scarborough and Filey and can be reached from our house within an hour so here's hoping it all works out and we find it is something we enjoy doing!

The day was not without some drama. At one site the kids stayed in the car whilst we popped into the reception. The kids either cottoned on to the fact that I was buying sweets or saw that it was a shop, so were soon stood next to us. I then remembered they had been playing with the locks of the car and low and behold they had indeed locked all doors of the car with the keys in the ignition! On top of this the second car key was in L's bag - also in the car. On top of this our phones and credit cards and all house keys were in the car and finally on top of this we don't have break down cover! I have never been so grateful to two men (one a campsite worker, the other a camper) for knowing how to and eventually breaking into my car and I must add without scratching or breaking anything! I won't repeat how they did it but they did and I think I owe them both a drink.

The picture is near one of the sites. I've noticed that there are lots of fields around at this time of year which appear to be overrun by poppies.

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