As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Blackout Party

Me and Amanda met with Hunter today to design the winter showcase for next year. We sketched it out and I think it's going to look awesome! We chilled in his computer lab with good music, cheerios, and a lot of visiting teachers. It's nice to see teachers when school is over. They're much more like people.

This is a picture I took on the way back from the school. I had to walk both ways and it was raining on the way there but the way back was dry enough for me to take this picture.

Then I was at home for a while while a huge thunderstorm raged through my town. The rain was crazy and my poor puppy was freaking out so I had to sit with her and keep her calm.

I went to Chelsea's house later and hung out with her, Kyra, Timmy, Joe, and Kenny. We were going to go in the pool but it started to rain a lot again so we sat on her porch and talked. When the rain stopped, we started to walk to get ice cream at Hershey's. Some of the town lost power, but most homes and businesses were unaffected. Of course, 7-11 was out so some people were upset about that. Then we walked to the corner of the two main roads to see if Hershey's was open and it wasn't. McDonald's was also closed so we were running out of options. A cop was directing traffic because the light was out so we thought it best not to cross the street. We ended up walking to Dunkin' Donuts and getting...well, donuts... On the way back to Chelsea's, as we were crossing the street all of the power along the street we were on went out. It was the weirdest thing. The storm was long gone by then so we couldn't figure out why that happened. Then we found out that Chelsea lost power so we had a blackout party. We lit candles and played Twister and Scattergories. It was awesome. Even when the power came back on, we turned all of the lights off and kept playing. It was sooooooo much fun :)

I'm really happy with this picture. I just with that it was a soccer net...

Word of the Day: Abut - To be adjacent; touch or join at the edge or border

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