
By stuarta

Stirring it

Its done. Papered and no one was injured or killed on the process.

First time I've attempted it and if I say so myself, its quite alright. No major swear words and the red mist came down only twice.

This is the bucket and brush that has been in my dad's hands for years. With them is also the most important DIY equipment that a man can own.

A stirry stick.

It is every mans right to own one. They should be found by the man himself and fashioned into a DIY weapon of great magnitude over many years of use.

Unfortunatly, Mrs A doesn't understand this concept and has chucked out my last 2. This is my dad's as it just came with the bucket and brush in the same bag, but I'm willing to bet it is older than me. Or at least a kick in the backside off it.

So fellow blipper's, I need your back up that a stirry stick is important so that I have a chance of keeping my new one and maybe one day being buried with it proudly.

(I'll also let you know if the paper stayed up over night or if it is a crumpled mess on the floor in the morning)

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