
By Saffi

Juvenile grasshopper

After looking up about this grasshopper, a Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus), it appears to be a young one as it wings are hardly noticeable. Termed a nymph, it is in the middle of four skin changes which happen over three months. This is instead of a chrysalis stage. When it has matured the wings overhang the length of the body. It lives for about five months and dies when the cold weather arrives after having layed eggs for the next generation in the soil.

The grasshopper means different things to different cultures. In ancient Greece it symbolized a great leap in faith or a jump in progress; in Japan it is a lucky symbol, and in China a grasshopper (or cricket) was the embodiment of a dead relative. The insect used to be caught, kept in a box or gilded cage and hung from the belt.

This specimen appeared on the arm of my sweater this morning while out in the garden. It was in no hurry to go anywhere.

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