
By La-la

Why's everyone always in such a hurry?

The London underground. Sometimes I love the fact that five minutes from my house I can get on a train and emerge where I need to be a short time later. But in the mornings it gets crazy. I've lost count of the amount of times i've been tutted at for walking too slowly down the left of the escalator (erm...there's actually someone in FRONT of me!?!).

Then there's the 'panic' when people hear a train coming - they run and push past you, knocking you to the side. But there's a train every 1 minute - i don't understand. Is something they need to get to THAT important that it doesn't matter when they push you or shove you or hit you.

This picture may not look like much but in it i'm watching the world go by at my own pace. Trains are coming and going and people stare because I remain on the platform. If you look closely you can see my reflection, plus the name of the station (albeit backwards!).

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