days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

Day 15 - Pamplona

The streets of Pamplona run red with the blood of bulls and their victims during the infamous bull-running festival...blah blah blah.

We were too early by a few weeks for the bull-running, thank God, but we did have a visit to the fascinating (if you like that kind of thing) Museum de Navarra, some refreshments in a bar that I won't bore you with, and a leisurely wander round the Calles of the old town, which was buzzing as it was Saturday. We liked Pamplona, a sophisticated, cultured but unpretentious provincial city. Classy.

Incidentally, we had a really crap meal on the top floor restaurant of a swanky department store; we'll stick to real restaurants in future.

A cool but sunny day.

A slightly rushed back blip posted on Sunday.

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