Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


Today Duncan was ill. I went for a wander south down the Ganges to try and find the Beatles ashram, but just ended up on a mountain road making friends with lots of Indian children! When I sat down by the Ganges to have a break on the way back two little boys started collecting things for me that they'd found in the river - flowers and a coconut, which they promptly opened and ate. I somehow chose the hottest day in Rishikesh so far to go for my walk, so by the time I got back for lunch (Duncan was feeling better) I was drenched in sweat!

In the afternoon we decided to go and find the ashram, and ended up getting a taxi there. We had to climb over a wall to get in, and it was really fun walking around a deserted ashram and through all the buildings! I wish we'd had a guide though, because I think we missed quite a lot. We met a few Indians there who warned us that it was a 5000Rs fine if we were caught inside!

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