
By Purplefairy


Don't you just love Monday's!!!!!!
What a crazy day in school today,the end of term is nearly here and suddenly everything needs to be done today!
So this evening i went for a walk with two of the children i look after,after school for a walk near their home in Erddig. Humpty Dumpty came with us..... which i knew would be a mistake!
We enjoyed a number of games including Pooh Sticks,Hide and seek and also making secret paths in the long grass. The sun was shining and soon it was time to head home.
It was only then that we realised that Humpty has no longer with us.I checked my camera for clues as Humpty had been joining in with the games but sadly after about half an hour he was no where to be seen.So if you are about on the Erddig estate and come across Humpty Dumpty please let me know and i will come and collect him!

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