We`re on holiday

Believe it or not, this is my first holiday abroad since 1982 when I went to Malta with husband #1, from then on, we holidayed in the UK.
Ever since I`ve known and been married to Chris, he`s had a dislike of flying...it`s been an irrational fear of heights or at least sheer drops that has been the problem not the actual getting on an aeroplane and being 30,000 foot in the air, but it has stopped him taking holidays abroad until now.

After making the life changing decision last year.. or as he said to me `bollocks I`m not letting this get to me, we`re going broad next year` and before you could say `east midlands airport` I`d sourced, sorted and booked flights to Alicante to go spend a week with my sister in Spain.

Sunday was the day, up at sparrow fart to get to EMA for the 7am flight, apprehension setting in about it, but by the time we had parked the car, dropped our luggage off, gone through to departure and had an extortionately priced coffee he was quite looking forward to the whole experience in fact he thoroughly enjoyed himself looking over my shoulder to look out of the window, chatting away to the couple across the aisle.
Before we knew it we had landed, claimed our bags and made our way to meet Roy and drive off to our holiday home for a week of sunshine and relaxation.

This is the Bougainvillea, prevelant around here looks very pretty in full bloom, but a pain when the flowers wither and die and fall all over the place

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