Those Simple Things

By simplethings


My friend presented Cormac McCarthy (her author study) in English class. Her presentation included a game where each person had to survive a challenge. Each challenge was extremely difficult, and we only had one minute to complete each of them successfully. (Has anyone ever seen the show "Minute to Win It"?)

The challenge depicted here included chopsticks and washers/bolts. This classmate of mine had commented, before knowing what the challenge was, that she would be okay as long as chopsticks were involved. She got lucky! Using the chopsticks (with all of the washers/bolts already on one of the sticks), one had to stand them all on top of each other. As shown. If the tower fell, the player had to start over. When the tower was done, it had to stand for three seconds by itself. As you can see, my friend did very well. Her hand was steady, and the tower never shook. But she ran out of time and lost. That's life, I guess!! You can do something perfectly, but you'll never have enough time.

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