Old & New

Went to Glasgow last Fri and it rained all day. Was in Glasgow Sat ...and it rained! but managed to get out for a bit. Sun...yes you guessed,,, it rained! Didnt get out.
Monday...it didnt rain but I was stuck indoors most of the day along with chubby hubby doing odd jobs, like putting up guitar hangers, replacing a shower curtain, replacing bulbs, lamp shades, fire alarms and that was hubbys work. Me? cleaned cupboards, managed to open a huge big old trunk that has lain in the hall cupboard for over 50 years and it was full of pristine white cotton bed sheets, towells, tea towels and all manner of table cloths. I will have to wash them all to freshen them up, only another 3 smaller cases to go!

Escaped outdoors to the local funeral people and had a look at headstones as its now two years since both my parents passed away within four months of eachother. Now I feel up to getting a stone. God what prices! Most started at over a grand then she showed me a nice black one which had a cross on it and all the lettering an "all inclusive speciial offer" she said. I know my mother well enough to know she would have gone for that but I didnt want to be too much of a cheapskate so asked them to add a Rosary, and a picture of the two of them together. Before I knew it the "all inclusive specieal offer" was over 1.3 grand! Do you know that Glasgow city council actually charge you £126 to let you erect a memorial stone! I know they need to pay their grave guys but my mother already paid over £800 for the lair in the first place!

Finally came home and just as we were pulling up I saw them loading up the old Escort that has lain in a dilapidated old shed for the last 9 years, sad to see it go but the guy is going to restore it so thats good.

Goodnight all

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