Harbour View

Today has been both a happy and sad day, it is very difficult saying goodbye to loved ones when you live so far away.
We had a lovely pub lunch with my Dad and Maureen, Ants my brother and Kath, Trish my sister and Terry.
We took the hire car back and then Trish Terry Rob and I went to Westbay to see Mum.
This is the view from her balcony looking out over the harbour.
It is pouring with rain as it has done a lot of in the past few weeks!!! the trip back was foggy over the coast road so no landscapes there.
Managed to squeeze our stuff back in the suitcases ready for the off tomorrow, Yuk that long journey again, I'm always ill on the plane.
Rob is already asleep as I type so must join him now will try to catch up on commenting when home.
NZ here we come. xo

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