watering the plants


2nd and last day in Wales today. Daddy got a lie in and so did Mummy! Nana got up with Amelie at 5.20. We had a bit of a lazy morning and then went to see Amelie's Hen Dadcu (Great Grandad). Amelie had fun, she played on the piano with Dadcu! She was a bit shy at first as there were quite a few people visiting at the same time but it wasn't long before she was chatting away. After Chris and I popped in to a really nice baby shop that is closing down to have a look at the sale stuff. I bought Amelie a really nice tshirt but I have no idea what size it actually is...I'm guessing 18-24 months. It was back up to Nana and Dadcus afterwards for more outside playing. This is my absolute favourite picture of the day. She LOVED the hose! She was screaming with excitement and she just stood there, she didn't move or anything as if she was scared it might stop!

Once again she was pretty tired out from her day's activites so we bathed her, gave her milk and we had dinner and then it was time to hid the road. We put Amelie in her sleeping bag (which has a bit for the seatbelt to go through) and she slept all the way home. But because she had about 4 hours sleep in the car, she was fairly awake by the time we got her into the flat. It was into bed with us and although we fell asleep pretty quickly she was up and down like a yoyo for what seemed like hours...

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