Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Spotted cranefly.

I did.

And that's it's name! (Nephrotoma appendiculata).

I had other images today too, but joy of joys! I could actually identify this one!

Craneflies however, are not on my 'favourites' list.
They come under the category of not only going 'zzz', but also seeming to enjoy the sport of chasing human beans.
(I imagine they all sit around base camp, smoking, and telling tall stories about how close they flew in...
... 'A FACE? Pooh. (Sneers) I'll see your face and raise you an ear. I was actually IN an ear today. RIGHT in'.)

It feels as though it should be Friday already. But, there's lots to do before then.
I'm having a brief respite (until next Monday) from my mission to 'spring' someone from a Nursing Home. All this stuff on the news about Nursing Homes is so depressing. I could write a book too. The residents are asking no one to complain, because they fear being treated badly. And they call this one a 'Care' home? Oh dear.

On the 'up' side... Erm. Oh yes! I'm not working on Thursday! :-)

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