
By Juli

Yay - it's the first day of summer!

Or winter, I suppose, depending on which end of the planet you're reading this from!

Really had a dilemma about what to blip today. Had a fantastic time with a school group at Wakehurst and we went all over the place so lots of opportunity for some great photos. We ended the day at the Millennium Seed Bank, which I love (and which was the inspiration for finally going back to do my degree) so decided on this shot of its visitor centre.

On either side are the drying and sorting rooms and the labs and you can peer in through the windows and watch the scientists at work. Below ground are the vaults where the seeds are stored (which are designed to withstand just about anything, even - allegedly - a nuclear bomb?). The building design is based on the seabean pod and there are interesting displays, sculptures and pictures to look at. The children always love going in there and it's wonderful to see them discovering just how many things they eat are made from seeds, like bread, margarine, Rice Crispies and popcorn, and how much we rely on plants for everything we need to survive.

It may be the longest day of the year for us in the Northern Hemisphere but it certainly went quickly for me!

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