Life Naturally

By lifenaturally

Staghorn Fern

One of my earliest blips was a close-up of a new plant I'd just bought - a baby staghorn fern His name is Archie..... (don't ask....! ) and loves the tropical heat we're having. He's growing like crazy ;-) For reference, the wicker tray is 32" in diameter.

This is definitely an emergency blip. I'm finally getting the best photos from the UK trip uploaded to flickr and I've been back in England and Scotland all morning. You can see them here, if you're interested.......

Never thought yesterday's blip would bring out the interior decorator in so many of you ;-0
It was about evenly divided between plain and fancy, but my pocketbook said plain, as the flowered ones were about twice the cost of the plain
. Thanks for your input ;-0

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