what i'm about

By Porth42


Nothing exciting i know but I suddenly remembered something from my childhood.......I must have been about 13 or so and gang of us had found a pot of paint by the railway lines and so we decided to write our names on the steel railway bridge were we lived.
It wasn't until we stood back to admire our handiwork that i realised everybody else had written either nicknames or initials......except me! Full Christian, middle and surname in bright yellow paint and in brackets ( and his dog Sam).........It was weeks before i realised that the police were not going to 'get' me.
That was nearly 30 years aqo and i've lost touch with most of the gang.......i've forgotten some of them altogether...........The old bridge has now been painted a dull but acceptable grey but a part of me wants to wash that grey paint off just to see the names that are there...........It would be nice to see them again

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