Hot air Balloon

C called me early this morning, before I left for work, to shoot this one! I was só glad, because I really struggle to get nice pictures since I've started working again! Hiehiehie!! It takes some getting used to when you were retired for four years, and to get into a good routine again is quite difficult! ;-o

About 20 minutes after this shot, just after I arrived at my office, C phoned me to tell that the balloon disappeared behind the houses and she thought it might have landed behind our complex, she drove down to the back of the complex to check, and what a surprise! He touched down right in the middle of the dam, then lifted again, touched the water again and lifted again! I am só sorry she did not have my camera with her to capture the moment! She took a few shots with her iPhone, but it was just too far to get a proper pic.

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