Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Just another day

I noticed that my tulips started to open up to the morning sun.
"Lovely", I said, and it made a great picture for my blip today.

Listening to my co-workers conversation the other day, and it upsetting me though. I think that people tend to blame on one's religion or parents if the person just do something out of the norm. Basically, they blame the person's religion, which I disagree totally. Why?? Because I've been there, that is at the receiving end of it!!!

I believed that the person's actions does not portrays the religion that he/she belongs to. Personally, I beleived that everyone has the right to choose his/her choice in lifestyle. To blame the other person's religion or stereotyping the people of that faith is just so so lame and being so shallow and narrow-minded because our friend decided to co-habitat or doing something wild (not that my friend does that).

Another, just because someone is different doesn't mean that we all can't be friends. I beleived that differences in a person either in faith or lifestyle makes things interesting and made the world full of colors!!! Thus, teaches us to be tolerance and respect each other choices. I guess grew up in a cosmopolitan country and going through life.. has made me grow up and be wise and look at things differently.

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