British Summer Time

The summer solstice occurred.
According to the Druid on the news, it was too cloudy to observe the coming together of the Earth Goddess and her mate, the sun, this morning.
No surprises there then.
So, in celebration of the British Summer, I present to you the Wise Woman's Summer Kit Bag which includes
* Waterproof coat
* Gloves
* Umbrella
* Sunglasses
* Suncream
* Sandals
* Shorts

Ideally a scarf should be included, along with a pair of wellingtons and a large beach towel, which could be used for sunbathing or for drying off after a torrential downpour.

Apparently there's a drought. Didn't feel that way at lunchtime when I go soaked to the skin walking out to my car!

That's all. I am off to scan more photos for my archive and maybe locate a couple more ancestors in my research.

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