I know I'm searching for something

Honeypig, was the Dog-with-little-brain, but great Enthusiasm.

Honeypig, came after Rogue, the original Henderson doggie, and before Dylan, the Dogwithnobrain.

Honeypig liked nothing more than a walk through leafy, bush covered terrain. She knew not what she looked for; but she looked anyways.

One day I took her for a walk over the remains of a demolished factory near where we lived. There were whin bushes and bracken growing out of the cement, and Honeypig was having a ball, running in and out, sniffing as much as her wee brown nose could sniff.

Suddenly she emerged, joyous from a bush.

From her mouth, hung a dead rabbit.

Honeypig lept with joy, so much so, that in her manic dance, the dead rabbits head fell off.

I let out a yelp, and ran, very quickly in the opposite direction.

From a safe distance, and through my fingers I watched, as Honey became more delirious with happiness, and threw the body around and around, bits flying off everywhere.

In the hope of stopping this desecration further, I screamed at her.

Honeypig stopped dead in her tracks and looked up at me.

As she stood looking over at me, her wee fluffy ears raised in curiousity, the guts of the rabbit slipped thru the decapitated neck.

As I barfed, and squealed, Honey realised that something wonderful was happening with her new friend, and dropped the bit of body she had left, and bent and picked up in her teeth some of the guts which had already fallen.

She continued this slippery game of dooking for entrails, while I ran in circles, simultaneously screaming at her and barfing.

In the end, I ran. I ran as fast as I could in the direction of home, praying that she would run after me, and leave the bloody intestines behind.

Eventually she did, but it was a long while before I let her lick me again!

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