Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

"He didn't eat a car, did he?"

"Ah. Just like I thought... He came up with the Gulf Stream - from southern waters.

He didn't eat a car, did he?

Naw, a tiger shark's like a garbage can, it'll eat anything. Someone probably threw that in a river."

I'm hoping that even if my somewhat Heath Robinson-esque photo isn't enough to identify this week's film, you'll get it from the quote.

Surely one of the greatest films ever made. A masterclass in suspense and one of my all-time favourite films. This isn't my favourite scene of the film, but seeing how a) I don't have a pet shark and b) I don't live near the sea, it's the best I could do.

All my film blips are tagged: WFBC

The various reactions to yesterday's blip was interesting. I hadn't expected that people would find it so disturbing, so apologies if it gave anyone nightmares!

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