The Chaos Bros

By vik


500 consecutive blips later and the sun hasn't even appeared to help me celebrate.

So the question of the morning, after the school & nursery run, was whether to go for a dreich blip or wait in the probably vain hope of some decent light later on. Knowing the weather pattern of late I'd say rain is the most likely scenario so dreich it is. Bro4 loves mooing at the cows by the woods so we stopped and mooed and they mooed and almost smiled for the camera.

Oh, if anyone knows where summer has gone can they send it my way please?

The Bros and my new childminding charge aren't going to have as many adventures this summer as I have planned for them all if the weather doesn't improve, maybe I'll get them to paint the house room by room instead ;-)

Onward to the next 500!!!

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