Here's one of the reasons we are happy to be home even though we both would have gladly stayed in Europe longer. It's the longest we've ever traveled and we thought we'd be homesick. Turns out not to be true. Our friend Ric had this to say about it, "After you are gone for a while the 'thread' that holds you home starts to weaken." I can see that this is true. We could have wandered longer and been delighted to do it.
A big part of our comfort with this is knowing the kitties and house were being carefully watched and cared for thanks to Alissa. She works as a veterinary technician and used to work for our vets. She knew when to respond with a visit to the vet when one of the kitties got sick. Problem was quickly solved and when we got home everybody was healthy and fit and the house was in one piece. Makes for a relaxed time traveling.
Should mention, Duma is a guy, not a girl.
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