
By stravaig


I'm no Bob Newhart* but If I had an ounce of his funny skills perhaps the mobile phone conversation went something like this..............

......"I'm telling you boss, its the wrong type of sand. You know how we get the wrong type of snow in winter and the trains can't run and the snow ploughs can't operate? Well its summer and we've got the wrong type of sand for this job. The guys here are having real problems raking it level - they've been at it for ages and its just lumpy every time there's a shower of rain which is, like, nearly all day again.

And another thing I'm stuck up here on the dumper truck making this call - the mobile reception in this place is lousy.

And see while you're organising new sand could you get someone to deliver some pizzas over here? We've been at this all day and we're starving. And some cans of juice would be good too.

What'll we do with this rubbish sand boss? Can we blame it on the council and charge them for it?

Oh, and we're going to need some serious overtime to fix this. I'm exhausted boss. I'm on my back with pain from all the digging and my hands are blistered. Can we get an easier job next time?"................

ps1 - *if you are below 45 and reading this you might be wondering who Bob Newhart is. Google and find out - his skits are very funny.

ps2 - I took this photo using a small compact camera and from a fair distance so its a wee bit grainy.

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