Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

Incy Wincy Spider

and believe me he really was incy!

Most of you know of my bee and wasp phobia, I also have a slight phobia of spiders. These tiddlers I can cope with and possibly slightly bigger but the giant one living in the garage door....oh no......he would make a fantastic blip but I'm leaving him be!

Very windy today so this is not as sharp as I would have liked. I was pretty much getting annoyed and frustrated with the wind, the spider was in a difficult enough position with me having to bend and shoot from below. M had joined me in the garden and was playing on the swings, his reaction 'Mummy, why are you getting so stressy?'

So I walked away, maybe I'll return later...maybe not!
I thought none of the shots would be any good but this one is ok, I've kept it because I love the web detail but it's not one of my best so you may find it vanishes for something else later on if I get the chance.

I have just revisited and taken another shot at it, this one I think is a lot sharper.

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