Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Waiting to see the vet.

I didn't expect to be doing this today. Mike told me this morning he had found a couple of lumps on Bracken last night when playing with her. One is very small the other somewhat bigger on her side. We needed the vet's opinion so off we went to the afternoon surgery. The vets there are very good to deal with but sitting in the waiting room is an anxious time for all concerned. Bracken was as always well behaved while he examined her. He came to the conclusion that the lumps are probably benign lipomas which tend to develop with age, she is 10. The advice is to keep an eye on them and return if there are any changes. We are relieved as far as you can be without a biopsy but I don't want her in and out of surgery unecessarily.
She is such a special part of our lives - I thought this shot captures the trust she has in us and the need of both to be in contact.

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