Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


I took lots of photos today and I got some lovely ones of my beautiful poppies and the clover on the lawn but I've chosen something slightly different - my son skipping! I did manage to get a full body shot of him mid-air too but I liked the angle of this. He's been chosen to represent the school on area sports day in the relay so he's trying to make his leg muscles stronger to help him run faster! Bless him, he's only 9!

This morning was spent teaching cross stitch to a class of 30 Year 5 and 6s. Most of the kids really enjoyed it and I was amazed at the quality of some of their work. They did a little sample first of a couple of different stitches and then moved onto making a book mark. Some sewed their names onto their bookmarks, some just made a pattern, but they all did really well. After work I did a bit of shopping and then picked the kids up. They're all tucked up in bed now and I don't think I'll be far behind them!

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