Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM


Today's blip was always going to be food-orientated. I'm off camping tomorrow night for the weekend. Me and 6,000 Guides, Scouts and their leaders on the South of England Showground at Ardingly in Sussex. Glastonbury has nothing on us!

I'm catering for 28 (not 6,000 thankfully!) and all the food arrived on my doorstep this evening. I was going to blip all the food but then my friends Cindy and Suzanne turned up and we package it all up in cool bags and boxes and put most of it in Suzanne's car. She won't go short of a snack or two on the journey down!

The man from Sainsburys was very helpful. It turns out his daughter is going to the same camp and it just so happens we are sharing transport and camping with her unit. Soooo he let me borrow some of the delivery crates to help me out. A certain other supermarket could learn a thing or two from him!!

All I have left in my fridge are strawberries, grapes and eggs.

I won't post anything for the next couple of days but I hope to have some good pictures to back blip on Sunday/Monday.

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