Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

It's Gonna Rain

It was getting towards the end of a long day at work when the news came in that there had been a motorway crash involving two coaches of schoolchildren from local schools. I was in the phlebotomy room with a colleague and we both got goosebumps. Outpatients began to fill up with patients as A&E was cleared for the possibility of casualties from the crash being brought in. There was an overwhelming feeling of dread but everyone went into auto pilot. A couple of hours later we learned that there were no fatalities and that the majority of patients had been treated at the scene. The rest were dispersed between three hospitals so it didn't turn out to be a huge trauma fortunately.

It has rained and rained for most of the day. This is the best blip I can find today. The elderberry tree in the garden!

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