The Vatican City

.......... I guess no visit to Rome is quite complete without having visited the Vatican once in your life (and no I'm not religious) so he broke teh budget and paid ?38 per person but at least as a pre booked group there would be no queuing which was great as being a Saturday it ws a long wait plus we went really early which helped. Our guide was from England and she was totally 100% passionate and knew so much in fact I can truthfully say she is probably teh only guide to hold my attention. I didn't realise just how much artwork the Vatican has so no wonder they are a rich nation plus of course having 25,000 paying visitors daily. Talking of which it was difficult fro D to get his head around that we were in a new country - a country wihin a city seemed to fascinate him. I didn't enjoy so much towards the end when it was getting busy as it reminded me of a London Station in rush hour when there are train cancellations all that slow shuffling going nowhere fast. The Cistine Chaplel was a tad under whelming I think there is much better artwork in other rooms but I know its where people head towards because of the famous works. Would I visit again?? Rome yes the Vatican no :)

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