
By shaachan

Oh ye with Fanta (Orange) hair

Meet Ding. She's the one previously mentioned in the past blips. She's my friend, the one I am currently bunking with in Melb. And in case you haven't noticed, she has bright orange hair.
Somehow, I am reminded of Alice in Wonderland when I see her. It's like real life takes a turn for the bizzare, the world becomes a more colourful place, and people have bright orange hair. She gets complimented on it. A lot. But today I'd just realized, she only says thank you, but doesn't reciprocate! So I had told her, "Ding! You should say you love theirs too. Makes 'em happy."

Had timtams and chips as pre-lunch snack, subway pizza sub for lunch, then Grill'd bacon and cheese burger, with a small side of chunky cut fries for dinner. Immediately after, we all sat outside in the wintry winds and had huge gelato cones. I can already hear the weighing machine creaking...

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