
20months 3 days

Sharing her crackers with her baby this morning.

We got up and out as normal for our friday fun today. Except that Katie fell asleep on the way and would not stir. So she slept for an hour. And I sat for an hour (although it did get me my own blip!). Consequently we missed soft play and she woke up just before gymnastics, rather groggy, pretty hungry and a tad clingy. It took until she discovered a duck that she took a real shining to for her to properly come round. She carried the duck round for the entire class.

The only problem at gymnastics was that she wanted to play a different game. One she invented at the photo shoot on wednesday, with a duck and hoop. She did enjoy puzzle time and did every puzzle there, one after the other. The apparatus circuit was different today and she liked it more, and did the whole thing 4 times, instead of just the bench to the platform for jumping off. When it came to time to leave, she didnt want to part with her much loved duck. So her teacher said he could come home with us.

We went from gymnastics to collect Sarah, our friend who's come to stay for a week. Katie loves having sarah here and was very pleased. We met another friend for a coffee, before I went and got an eye test. Sarah and Katie had a walk, I had a flap about the fact that every single pair of glasses was too wide for my face and looked ridiculous!

We came home and ten minutes later had H&A dropped round for a couple of hours play and some tea, so their mum can bake enough cupcakes to feed an army of adults and small children at Aiden's first birthday party tomorrow. We had a few jobs to do so we packed them into the triple buggy and headed out. We get a lot of comments, funny looks and stares, but also lots of people holding doors, allowing us through and such. But it's one heck of a beast to push!

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