
By Jee

The worst part of loving, is learning to let go.

Heartbroken- Suffering from overwhelming; very upset. Full of sorrow.
Fact- Boys/men are the most confusing beings on this planet, am I not right? I know us girls can be pretty confusing at times also but we know what we want! We don't mess people around (well the nice ones) And yes I know not all guys are careless idiots- infact my bestfriend is a boy and I love him to bits- but the majority are.
The year 11's (year above me) had there prom last night- so this time next year it will be my prom. Sounds like hell if you ask me... effort of finding a dress that I will absolutly not feel right in, I shall most likely be a loner and just seeing all the other girls look stunning. Hmm... I think i'd rather go in jeans.
Not the best afternoon I must admit. Had to walk to and from school by myself again. L really needs to learn to get ready on time! Walked home which took about 35 minutes with a very painful back and heavy bag. Got home expecting dad to be home... no car, hmm maybe mum took it. Went to the door, locked! At worst of all with my house key locked in it. Searched around my bag just incase only to find out the gel for my knees and shoulders had leaked everywhere. Rang mum up... no answer- she rejected the call infact! Rang dad, 'I'm at work and i'm miles away, won't be home for ages'- Great. Mum rang- 'you'll have to come and get the key from my work'. So yet another 20 minute walk to get the key- No kickboxing tonight then, GREAT! But on the brighter side I did get a chinese :)

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