Ever get the feeling you're being watched?

I know I know yet another picture of these birds but In my defense it's one of these twos fault! I found a really cool, prehistoric looking beetle in the wood pile, I put him on a log, lined up the shot, focused and as my finger hovered over the shutter button one of these two ate the beetle! Literally seconds away from a great shot....damn it!

Anyways these two proceeded to fight over my find until the one in the foreground one and enjoyed his lunch!

I thought this looked quite sinister with the looser lingering in the back ground..... or maybe not!

So off to watch the Swans vs Collingwood this evening, I was gonna take the camera and blip that but opted for the early blip instead! Don't think me a pessimist but rather a realist but tonight's game isn't about if we win or not but how little we lose by! nothing good can come of it but if by chance we don't get humped it will be a bonus!

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