Farewell Amman!

Ah - this is it! Last night in Amman. Sad to be leaving. Am all packed and ready to go.

Great last day in work. Had a picnic outdoors for a late lunch when the work was done. Until it rained that is. We brought the mat, grub and wine indoors, and sat on the floor in the office while we finished the wine!!! Comedy moment, although didn't have the camera.

Had my final salsa class this evening and then went out for drinks with the girls. I also managed to drag Majid along from the gym. His partner in crime has been off work with a neck injury, so wasn't there. I know - lame excuse - but I do feel his pain, having suffered a similar thing last year. Hideous.

It's been a great two months. It's flown too. Lots of 'me' time, but that's not done me any harm. Jordan is a fantastic country and I've managed to see a fair bit of it. I would happily return.

Alarm is set for stupid o' clock.

Ma sala'am.....

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