Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan



We didn't have the greatest start to the day - I managed to delete the wireless passkey from the computer and thus broke the internet - but went out for a walk before snack time to clear our heads and it did the trick. After our walk Amelie had snack and then her nap and I struggled on trying to fix the internet. In the end I had to get Loukeengood to bring their laptop round so I could reconfigure the router. Success! We headed over to the Keens this afternoon so that the girls could play outside. Amelie made a spectacular escape under the fence into the neighbours garden (toys ahoy) and had a play in there before Daddy Keen jumped over to rescue her. She must have been getting tips from the cats. Baby Keen, who had never before expressed a desire to get into her neighbours garden, then attempted to follow in Amelie's footsteps! Such a bad influence, my daughter. As much as I admired her problem solving skills, its defintely going to make playing in the Keen garden a little bit more stressful!

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