My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


This is the last time I'll have coffee at Alltnacriche for a while, I expect. I've been drinking rather a lot of it while I've been here! Today has been rather sad because I've had to say goodbye to all the wonderful people I've met this week - but I hope this is only the beginning of some fantastic friendships. I am so grateful to all the leaders at Lead Up this week and my fellow trainees, especially my amazing team members Rachel, Gregor, David and David, for making this a brilliant week :)

On the four-hour coach journey home, I prepared most of my youth meeting for this evening and talked with some friends. I only had 45 minutes at home before I had to leave for my youth meeting, which was the last one for the school year. We said goodbye to our sixth year leavers :( but the meeting seemed to go well and everyone enjoyed themselves :)

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