Another day goes by

By WelshSi

A damp Mr Robin

Finally sorted out my rugby season tickets for the Newport and the Gwent Dragons today, also got to see how the new stand was getting on, it looks awesome. Cant wait for the season to start. Then it was off to visit my mum, she even got out the chocolate tea cakes. I love the marshmallow inside and the biscuit base, I only had 2 of course (when she was looking). It was then off home to find something to do.

My son decided to watch tennis all afternoon and my daughter went out to her friends. So I decided to sit out in the light drizzle and watch my little feathered friends. So here is Mr Robin on top of the shed roof with a mouth full of worms. The light was rubbish today so all my shots are very noisy, shame really as there was lots going on. Really looking forward to upgrading my camera, well thats if Nikon hurry up and decide weather they are to launch new models.

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