
By anni

Midsummer #1

This little daisy field belongs to my Mom's neighbor. This lady is turning 83, did hard work in a factory when she was younger, had a man and another but sent them away when they turned drunks or, like one, had a set of illegal guns hidden under his matress. I remember my mom telling about that occasion, the lady called the police and ran to our house to hide, my mom had to stand at the doorway and scared to death tell the man he's not allowed to come in and get her. And this was a sleepy quiet little village in the country :)

This lady is always friendly and smiley, brain works so well to her age, enjoys her inside out decorated little red house and a colourful garden, goes for walks, enjoys fishing with a rowboat and regular swimming in the sea.

(I was supposed to write I wasn't feeling well on Friday, got a tummy bug and high temeperature towards the evening and... *whining*. But really, complaining about minor things started feeling a bit rediculous :))

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