Stretchered off ...

Well we started as planned this morning on the 20K walk prior to switching to bikes for the remaining part of the course, but I was soon at the back of the pack. Any hill was a bit of a challenge and by the time I reached the 15K point I was really feeling knackered. The support staff wanted to have me checked out so I sat in the back of the ambulance and my heart rate stubbornly refused to drop back to a reasonable rate. It was jumping around 130 and continued to do so as they decided to take me to hospital. AF was picked up many years ago although it's never been a problem but I think it's time to get strapped up to a 24 hour monitor. Bugger. Still - I did get to see a bit of Wimbledon.

Ps I believe that the guy who won the challenge did the whole 90K (56 mile) course of hiking (he ran) and cycling in around 4 hours 40 minutes.

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