Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Book Sale!

Wanted to get a shot of the piles of backpacks at one of the bookstores (They won't let you take your backpack into the store past the entrance). Figured that a girl with a camera aimed at all the steal-able materials would be frowned upon. So, i snuck downstairs at another of the bookstores and snapped a few shots of the racks of books. Only got a few glares. This is one of the textbooks for a class i don't have the space/time for in my schedule. BOO! And i would have gotten to talk to the author, too. BOO not having space in my schedule! BOOOOO!!!

Started my teaching internship today and it seemed to go well. Except for the fact that the class is in one of the newer-designed rooms and the desk confounded me. I had to get assistance from a freshman student. *shame* The teacher i'm working with seems really cool and excited to work with me and the class seems like it'll be a good one. Downside: i'm taking sociology 101 again (the class he's teaching and that i'll be teaching a few lectures for)

After class, tried to get my textbooks. Not one of the three typical bookstores has gotten orders from my professors. So...either i don't have to buy any books (except for the soc 101) or they'll give us the numbers during the first class period. I'm kinda hoping for no books, personally. Now i just need to make sure i can access the sociology 101 class through blackboard. bah.

*posted this for about two minutes.

Enjoy your week!

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