As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


A very sensible Blip from me today - I've spent much of the day simply sitting in the garden reading and sweating like a sweaty thing :) Just a tiny bit too warm to stay out for long so I've been reading in 15 minute stints.....

There is a pair of Robins who have discovered that the big thick ivy in my garden is the perfect place to find food so they have been flitting in and out of it all day behind my head. Fortunately they don't mind me being about three feet away and this one seemed to be happy to stay put whilst I crept up on it. I got to about 2 feet away before it flew away. I wouldn't have needed to get so close had I a suitable lens on the camera but I had the 1.8/50mm on it at the time so needed to get in close.

I did some flowery pics today as well but I can do those anyday - I can't guarantee an obliging Robin every day :)

Ah well - back into the garden for one last 15 minute reading stint then maybe some food - I'm starting to get hungry

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