Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

I am invisible!

HMMM! Lalalalala........ Hmmmmhmmm
Just lying here casually, not doing anything. Yes it's just the utility room. What? No,no, not at all! I'm not planning to sneak forward into the kitchen. I'm loving it here in the utility room. Who'd want to be in the kitchen? It smells of barbeque food you've just cooked. Why would I be watching your every move? I am not!! I probably wouldn't even eat a sausage if it fell off the worktop! And the steak is a bit well done for my taste... No I like laundry better

Lalalalala hmmmmmmhmmmm ........ Just lying here, what do you mean, "She looks sneaky"? .... in fact I'm just going to put on my cloak!

Cloak of Invisibility, where art thou??

No, I'm being good .... promise!

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