Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

gruesome twosome.............

well half term is here and it would seem that there is to be no peace. actually i love it. quite happy to take the kids out as it gives you free reign to act like one yourself.
we had a good stroll together and a good laugh feeding the pigeons. i did take some bread for the kids to throw which was fine but there was only a few slices left in the bag so i bought a muffin just in case we ran out too quickly. well the bread did go quickly but it would seem that they did not want to throw away the tasty muffin. in fact i don't think they threw any of that to the birds as every time i went to give Baby McDawg and her cousin some more to throw they appeared with crumbs all over there faces. not really criminal masterminds.
a good day out though and apparently i am getting a phonecall tomorrow from the woman who has been saying she has been desperte to interview me (for the last 3 weeks!)

ach well, guess it's a case of wait and see.
enjoy the rest of the week folks.

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