An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Pepsi Map!

I am in such a good mood tonight (despite being way behind with the holiday ironing and every other chore that needs doing!!!) as my mum felt well enough to wander round Sainsbury's for 15 minutes today then come and visit us.

She looked shattered when she arrived but I think getting out and a bit of normality helped her enormously. She was feeling a little nauseous when she arrived but she said yes when I offered her a coffee (she hasn't had coffee for weeks) and was delighted to discover that after drinking it, the horrible sick feeling vanished! It was as if she got a second wind and was almost back to her usual self.

I was also pleased to see how much brighter my stepdad J looked as he's the one closest to her battle and it has affected him deeply. He is so devoted to her and I honestly think every pain she feels, he feels it twice as bad because he can't bear to see her suffer.

The other good news is her radiotherapy finishes on 14th July, a week earlier than planned so we are all delighted about that! :)))

Last night's wedding reception at South Queensferry was fab. The setting was amazing and watching the fireworks lighting up the sky in front of the rail bridge was just magical. A really brilliant atmosphere.

Still not had the chance to catch up with everyone's blips yet but I'll get there.

Struggled for a blip today since the weather is still so bad (all you peeps down south are sweltering under the hot sun yet we've had the lampsand the heating on today!!!) Anyway, had a bit of a disaster with a glass of pepsi but managed to turn it into a blip! I think it looks a little bit like a map!

Oh, front door has just opened and it's D back from the chippy. I am so disorganised this weekend that we are having fish suppers for Sunday dinner! Tsk tsk....D will be giving me the sack!!!

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