The Gentle Giants
We had been given tickets for The Royal Highland Show at Ingliston, Edinburgh for today. This was the final day of the 4 day show, and if it's been as busy the other 3 days as it was today, then they have had a successful year. It's very expensive to get in, £22.00 per person, £5.00 to park the car and £3.50 for a programme.
We chose to watch the gundog training, then the very elegant side saddle competition. After that came the Clydesdales display. They were all just so splendidly turned out, with their tack jingle jangling as they passed. There must have been about 20 carriages with either single, double, threes, fours and 1 six. The work involved showing these magnificent animals must be tremendous, and the carriages were gleaming. Next in the ring was 3 hunts, along with their pack of hounds. Breagha loved watching that!
She also struck gold a few times finding roast beef slices next to a food van!
Another bonus was that the sun was shining in Edinburgh, not so Perth. We left it raining and arrived home to it still teeming down:-((
Off now to sew three badges on Cameron's beavers jumper - why do I always leave things to the last minute. . . . . .
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