Jakey's page

By Jakey

Spring Clean

Had a very busy day today,cleaned out ma wee mans drawers of all the clothes that are either to small or just wrecked through wearing too much.So not much left after that lol better start saving ma pennies to get him some more stuff.
After that was done i moved his bedroom around once again looks a lot better finally and staying as is for a long time also took his side panel off his bed so i might get woken up through night by a loud bang.After that then it was catch up time with my washing and hung outside to dry in the lovely sunshine while jake went of to play with his wee pals.Then i cleaned up all the mess in my garden broken bottles,crisp packets etc. Jake went to one of my friends for his tea while i washed my dishes,hoovered and brought in my washing from outside,not at the same time though of course hehe.My neighbour Bob put my new blade on my lawnmower that he got for me as my other one got bent to bits with all the hidden stones in the grass.Once everthing was done it was master jakes bath time.So a bit of a busy day,think ill sleep like a log tonight.
Hope you all have had a lovely day today :) x

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